Determination of pesticidal air pollution of glasshouse

МРНТИ 87.27.05                                                                                 №3 (2020г.)

Iztleuov G.M., Dayrabaeva A.Zh., Zhaksybek K.K., Askerbekova A., Amirbekov   E.


The results of the study showed that the maximum level of air pollution occurs 6-8 hours after the start of treatment with pesticides of plants in greenhouses. This fact is explained by the peculiarity of the greenhouse environment in comparison with field conditions and requires the establishment of strict deadlines for resuming work in greenhouses and a review of the technological modes of cultivation facilities after applying pesticides. An interesting and important point from the point of view of safety is the secondary air pollution of greenhouses. It occurs as a result of their receipt from the residual quantities stored on plants, equipment, in the soil and occurs with the resumption of technological work. The increase in the concentration of oberon after irrigation of plants by sprinkling occurred rather intensively in almost the same degree with increasing concentration during primary pollution. The maximum level of pollution in this case was about – the level of primary pollution, and the period during which the concentration of the oberon remained above the maximum permissible lasted 8 hours.
Keywords: tomatoes, pesticides, glasshouse, plant tissue, analysis, Oberon.


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