Determination of efficiency of sugar beet seeds production methods

МРНТИ 68.35.33, 68.35.03                                                                        №1 (2020г.)

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Kozhakhmetov M. K.


The article presents the results of the research works that address quality improvement and increase in a multiplication factor of sugar beet seeds depending on a way of cultivation. We have established basic elements of uterine beet cultivation technology by the method of steсkling of summer crops (sowing time, methods of thickness formation) and spermariums (terms, ways and schemes of landing taking into account the mass of root crops). The off planting method of spermariums cultivation for receiving optimum developed plants before leaving at winter the initial thickness has to be within 20-24 plants on 1 ling meter of a row.
Keywords: Transfer, off planting, sulcal, steckling, uterine root crops, fraction.

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