Development of ceramic composition structures for obtaining ceramdor

ІRSTІ 67.09.43                                                                                       №3 (2019г.)

Мontaev S.А., Shinguzhiyeva А.B., Мontaevа N.S., Dosov K.Zh.

The article discusses the development of ceramic compositions based on loess-loam of West Kazakhstan using domain-granulated slag from the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant JSC Alselor Mittal Temirtau (Temirtau) to produce ceramic material that can be used in place of natural rubble. Reviewed scientific works of scientists aimed at research in order to obtain crushed stone from various rocks: igneous, carbonate, etc. The results of scientific and experimental work on the creation of ceramic road material in the raw material composition of less-loam – domain granulated
slag are presented. The research results serve as the basis for the development of resource and energy saving technology for the production of ceramic road material based on the processing of natural and man-made resources of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: ceramic road material, firing temperature, ceramic composition, loessloam, technology, granulated blast furnace slag, macrostructure, strength.


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