Characteristics of the disease osteochondrosis of the spine and the value of the applied therapeutic exercise

МРНТИ 34.03.37                                                                              №2 (2019г.)

Yeszhan B.G., Katchibayeva A.S., Kisebayev Zh.S., Temirkhan D.


Abstract. The human body is an integral system. Violation of any organ of the system in the body can lead to a violation of their anatomical structure and reduce normal physiological functions, up to irreversible pathological processes. Osteochondrosis of the spine is one of the chronic diseases that lead to damage to the intervertebral discs of the spine, violation of blood and nervous system support, which are the supporting systems of the body. Some therapeutic exercises, used in this disease, have not only the prevention of diseases, but also slowing the sensations of pain in the spine.
Keywords: physiotherapy, rheumatism, arthritis, segment



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