Analysis of the current state of availability of effective methods for determining dry milk in milk and milk products

МРНТИ 65.63.29                                                                                      №2 (2019г.)


Velyamov SH.M., Kurasova L.A., Velyamov M.T, Umiraliyeva L.B.,  Kadyrov A.A., Bek R, Nurgaliyeva M., Zhanserkenova O., Zhumaliyeva T., Muratbekova K.M., Tastaganova U.S.


Abstract. The world’s existing methodologies for the qualitative and quantitative determination of milk powder in dairy products (based on ELISA test) were studied and the most effective method of determination was selected. In particular, the test of the degree of efficiency of the ELISA method for the determination of dry milk in locally produced dairy products was carried out at the Japan Center KazNAU in the ELISA department of sample diagnostics. It has been established that this method of determining the qualitative presence in milk powder is quite acceptable in this aspect for the Republic of Kazakhstan. Improvements in development in the direction of further cheapening, speeding up the method described above and finding alternative ways to determine the qualitative and quantitative content of milk powder in milk are not exclusive.
Keywords: ELISA, milk powder, milk, qualitative method, quantitative method.

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