Some problems of transition to combined geotechnology in the development of deposits

ІRSTІ 52.13.19                                                                                          №4 (2018г.)


Isabek T.K.,  Zeytinova Sh.B. 


The article deals with the classification of methods of underground autopsy under combined geotechnology. The appearance of combined geotechnology in the world practice. Problems associated with the transition from open-pit mining to underground mining. The choice of the best location of shafts in combined geotechnology. The main idea of the article is to consider the scientific and methodological foundations for selecting the locations of vertical shafts with combined geotechnology, taking into account the impact of the new factor of man-made impact – open pit space and adjacent to the contour of the quarry for the proximal zones of rock shifting.
Keywords: combined geotechnology, outside contour stocks career, vertical shafts, the pressure-deformation condition, open career space,  valid anthropogenic factor.

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