Energy-efficient Disintegration of Ferromaterials

ІRSTІ 53.31.21                                                                                        №4 (2018г.)


Kuzbakov Zh.I. 


The methods of destruction of solid materials are the basis of the crushing and fractionation technology in the preparation of raw materials for the metallurgical transformation. In order to reduce the energy intensity of crushing, the material fed to the crusher can be pretreated in such a way as to bring it into a stressed state or reduce its strength. The crushing of the prepared material requires less mechanical energy, so the energy intensity of grinding decreases, as well as the wear of the crushing plates. Loads on the machine nodes and components decrease. To intensify and improve the process of crushing high-strength ingots of metal (ferrochrome), the author proposed a technological line for the production of ferroalloys, to which the innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan was obtained. In order to increase the strength of the ingot of carbon ferrochromium, it is necessary to thermally influence the uniform cooling of the ingot of the metal throughout its volume.
Кеу words: ferromaterials, crushing, method of destruction, energy intensity, ferroalloy casting, thermal impact, ingot.

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