Corrosion-resistant multi-element coatings

ІRSTІ 53.01.97, 81.33.07                                                                           №4 (2018г.)


Platonova Е.N., Syzdykova А.Sh., Guchenko S.А., Zavatskaya О.N., Kasymov S.S., Laurinas V.Ch.,
Yurov V.М. 


The paper gives a brief overview of earlier studies and obtained new results on multi-element hardening and corrosion-resistant coatings. In order to study coatings, modern methods of optical, electron and atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and nanoindentation were used. It was found that the 12X18H10T + Ti coating produced in a nitrogen medium has a hardness of 35.8 GPa. The super-hard Ti-Si-N film has a hardness of 28.4 GPa. Such a coating can be used to harden tool steel in many production processes. It was found that the 12X18H10T + Cu coating obtained in the argon medium has a corrosion resistance 20 times higher than that of steel 45. The recrystallization temperature of such coatings is 300 ° C higher than that of steel 45. This coating can be used to increase the service life details of thermal power plants. Synthesis of coatings was carried out on the basis of theoretical concepts of the connection of surface energy with the properties of coatings. This model was proposed by us for the first time.
Key words: coating, corrosion, hardness, cathode, microscopy


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