Research of amino acid composition of functional meat products

ІRSTІ 65.59.03                                                                                       №4 (2018г.)


Chomanov U.Ch., Kenenbay G.S., Zhumalieva T.M.  


It was carried out the analysis of the balance of the amino acid composition of the sausage products developed in comparison with the traditional products of this type – boiled-smoked sausage “Moskovskaya”. The aim of the presented work is to study the amino acid composition and balance of the developed ready-made functional sausages with the use of a biological additive from the linseed meal, pumpkin and sesame seeds. As a result of the research it was established that the use of vegetable raw materials in sausage production positively affects the biological value of finished products. Аpplication area – meat, food industry, processing industries of all forms of ownership.
Key words: meat products, nutritional supplements,  protein, amino acids, sausages.

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