Development of technology for functional pectin containing shubat and studying its detoxification properties

МРНТИ 65.63.03



Abysheva K.A., Alibayeva B.N., Nadirova С.А., Abzhanova Sh.А., Lessova Zh.T.

Abstract. The article describes a method for obtaining a traditional shubat from camel milk of the Kazakh Bactrian breed using an active industrial starter culture from a mixture of lactic acid bacteria and provides a scheme for preparing pectincontaining shubat. It was found that due to the addition of liquid apple pectin, there is a significant improvement in physico-chemical, microbiological parameters, and
biochemical composition; a significant decrease in the fermentation time and an increase in the shelf life of pectin-containing shubat compared with its traditional counterpart. In experiments on rats with cadmium intoxication, the introduction of 50 g/kg of pectin-containing shubat into the daily diet had a positive effect on hematological and biochemical blood parameters and contributed to improving the general condition of the studied animals, which indicates an increase in the detoxification properties of the resulting type of shubat and allows it to be used as
a functional therapeutic and prophylactic product.
Key words: pectin-containing shubat, biochemical composition, heavy metals, detoxification, functional produc.

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