Creation of a waste-free, high-energy technology for obtaining target materials due to the heat of exothermic reactions of reacting substances by the SHS method


Aknazarov S.Kh.,.Mutushev A.Zh, JuanMariaGonzalez-Leal, Bayrakova O.S., Ponomareva E.A., Allan I.K., Kydyrali S.E.

Abstract: To determine the burning rate of the charge for the production of aluminum diboride, a steel pipe with a welded bottom in the form of a glass was used. Holes were drilled vertically on the side surface at a distance of 5 cm for thermocouples. The ignition was carried out from above by an electric pulse fed to the nichrome spiral through the adjustable laboratory autotransformer. To fix the burning rate, chromel-alumel thermocouples were used. The signal from the thermocouple was recorded on a two-channel USB oscilloscope Acute TS2212F. Before conducting experiments to determine the effect of the granulometric composition, all the initial powders were dried. Then the powders were sieved into fractions. After preparation, the powders were dosed in accordance with the calculated composition and thoroughly mixed to evenly distribute the components among themselves. Despite the fact that the resulting alloy does not form a single dense ingot and is presented in the form of sweat balls in the slag phase, it can be argued that an excess of aluminum of 10-20% contributes to the maximum
development of the charge penetration rate.
Key words: SHS, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy, adiabatic temperature.

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