Automation studies of thermo-stressed state of the core when exposed to local heat fluxes, heat transfer

МРНТИ 50.01.84



Izbassarova A.Z., Kudaykulov A.K., Tashev A.A

Abstract: Many load-bearing elements of power plants are influenced by local heat flows and convective heat exchangers. Because of this, a deformed thermostress state is formed in the bearing elements in the form of a rod of limited length. Therefore, it is important to develop special computational algorithms and corresponding programs for automated research of rods of limited length. At the same time, the developed system must take into account the physical-mechanical
and geometric characteristics of the studied core and the simultaneous presence of local convective heat exchange.This work uses the fundamental laws of energy saving. The developed calculation algorithm is implemented in the form of an IBM
PC Python program. The results are presented in tables.
Keywords: automation, table, graph, Python program.


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