Extruded starter compound feeds for tilapia

МРНТИ 69.25.15, 69.25.13                                                               №4 (2020г.)


Sidorova V.I., Asylbekova S.Zh., Yanvareva N.I., Koishibaeva S.K., Badryzlova N.S.


We have been developed starter compound feeds from domestic raw materials for tilapia for the first time in Kazakhstan. Based on the nutrient requirements of fry tilapias, four extruded starter compound feed recipes were developed with feed values (34.8/8.68; 40.53/8.03; 41.0/7.66; 44.1/10.28) and a total energy value of 100 g/mJ varying from 15.26 to 16.59. Production tests on efficiency of the developed compound feed and its intake by larvae and tilapia fry in fish farms of “Kapshagayskoye NVH-1973” LLP, “Halyk Balyk” LLP were conducted. The established feeding ratio of the developed feed did not exceed 1,3 units, insignificantly inferior to the imported feeds. The survival rate of fry was 85%. The compound feeds were developed by extruding, which allowed to obtain feeds with increased digestibility, water resistance and extended shelf life. The developed starter feeds based on analysis of tilapia food requirements and their introduction into fish farming practice will allow to increase efficiency of tilapia fry farming, expand possibility of fish breeding in local aquaculture.
Keywords: tilapia, starter compound feeds, formulation, protein, extrusion, nutritional value.

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