Preventing technological complex for erecting object on saline silty-clayed soils

МРНТИ 67.01.11                                                                                          №2 (2021г.)

Unaybaev B.B., Ischanova А.Sh, Unaybaev B.Zh.

In the conditions of modern intensive mass development of territories composed of saline silty-clay soils, strict requirements of the regulations are not justified. This is often a huge expense for the replacement of SSCS in the base, water protection measures, chemical fixing, the device of artificial bases, the use of driven and stuffed piles-racks with a coating. At the same time, the well-known
experience in the operation of buildings and structures (BS) at SSCS indicates that many objects undergo emergency precipitation exceeding the design by 1.5…3 times or more. Supposed low quality of the BS on SSCS due to the imperfection of the technological complex for the construction in SSCS, namely survey, design and construction. The purpose of the research is to develop a proactive technological complex for the construction of objects on the SSCS to increase the load-bearing capacity and durability of the Foundation.
Keywords: technology, research, design, construction, regulations, adaptation.


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