Modern speech recognition methods

МРНТИ 28.23.37                                                                  №1 (2021г.)



Mamyrbayev O., Oralbekova D.


This article presents the main ideas, advantages and disadvantages of models based on hidden Markov models (HMMs) – a Gaussian mixture models
(GMM), end-to-end models and also the article indicates that the end-to-end model is a developing area in the field of speech recognition. The authors consider in the article an analytical review of the varieties of end-to-end systems for automatic speech recognition, namely, models based on the connection time classification (CTC), attention-based mechanism and conditional random fields (CRF), and theoretical comparisons are made. Ultimately, their respective advantages and disadvantages and the possible future development of these systems are indicated.
Keywords: automatic speech recognition, hidden Markov models, end-to-end, neural networks, CTC.


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