Determination of the influence of pesticides on soil microorganisms

МРНТИ 68.29.15, 87.27.05                                                                              №4 (2020г.)

Iztleuov G.M., Dayrabaeva A.Zh., Zhaksybek K.K.,.Abduovа A. , Dosbaeva A.


The results of the study, the effect of pesticides on soil microorganisms showed that, soil samples of the greenhouse taken at different depths: 10,
20, 30 and 40 cm, different results were obtained. Fungi and bacteria intensively developed on the topsoil. As the research in greenhouses showed, the titer of mushrooms isolated from the territory of the greenhouse at a depth of 10 cm was 4×104, when it was 5 km from the greenhouse, where the soil was not cultivated 7.6×104. The titer of fungal spores at a depth of 40 cm was 1.2×104 and 2.3×104, respectively. We also noted that the titer of bacteria from soil samples from the territory of the greenhouse was higher than from soil samples taken 5 km from the territory of the greenhouse. So, the titer at a depth of 10 cm from the territory of the greenhouse was 5.6×107, from a sample of 5 km from the territory of the greenhouse 8.6×107, at a depth of 20 cm 3.5×107 and 5.2×107, at a depth of 30 cm 2.3×107 and 5.3×107, at a depth of 40 cm 1.1×107 and 3.1×107, respectively. It was
shown that the difference in the growth of microorganisms from soil samples from the greenhouse and from it is not very significant, but it
Keywords: soil, pesticides, glasshouse, microorganisms, analysis, Oberon.



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