Complex application of probiotics and sorbents in poultry

МРНТИ 68.39.37, 65.55.37                                                                        №4 (2020г.)


Pskhatsieva Z.V., Kairov V.R., Bulatseva S.V.


The article discusses the results of research work on the use of sorbent and probiotic in feeding broiler chickens. Sorbent bentonite clay 3.6 per cent of
the feed weight and the Probiotic Sporotermin 0.1 per cent of the feed weight  were used on ROSS-308 cross chickens as feed additives. It was found that the combined introduction of probiotic and sorbent into feeds gives better results compared to their use separately, in particular: live weight increases by 12.8%, average daily and absolute gains, preservation, digestibility of feed nutrients, and  the content of heavy metals in meat and blood decreases, the slaughter yield increases by 74.05%, profitability is 30.8%.
Keywords: broiler chickens, bentonite clay, probiotic, live weight, growths, slaughter yield.


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