Comparative analysis of the anatomical structure of some wild plant species and those grown on soils contaminated with asymmetric dimethylhydrazine

МРНТИ 87.15.03, 34.29                                                                  №4 (2020г.)


Uteulin K.R., Bekeshev E.A., Amrin M.K., Kurbatova N.V., Fedorina O.A., Stepanova E.Yu., Aldasugurova Ch.Zh., Atygaev A. B. Biometric


Findings of the research have established an increase in thickness of  primary bark of cereals roots and stems of wormwood from sites contaminated
with UDMH. Purpose of this research was to assess possibility of using changes in the anatomical structure of wild species for bioindication of environmental pollution with rocket fuel – unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH). Thickening  of primary bark is mainly attributed to an increase in thickness of a main tissuestorage parenchyma. Parenchyma performs a number of functions: assimilation,  secretory, support ones and it is involved in gas exchange. In addition, the most important function of parenchyma is accumulation and storage of nutrients arbohydrates, proteins, oils), water, substances dissolved in water, including pollutants  of the environment and plants, for example, herbicides, heavy metals and UDMH.
Change in the anatomical structure, in particular, an increase in thickness of the  main parenchymal tissue of the root, may be used as a factor indicating accumulation of UDMH in roots of Agropyronfragile, Stipasareptana grasses and in root  and stem of wormwood Artemisiaterrae-albae. Changes in the thickness of the  spare parenchymal tissue of the primary root cortex of the Agropyron fragile, Stipa  sareptana and in the stem and shoots of Artemisia terraе-albaе can serve as a bioindicator of soil contamination with UDMH.
Keywords: anatomical parameters, UDMH, Agropyronfragile, Stipasareptana, Artemisiaterraе-albaе.


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