Justification of the feasibility of modernizing railway automation and telemechanics systems

МРНТИ 73.29.17                                                                                 №3 (2020г.)

Bahtiyarova Е.А., Sansysbay К.М., Chigambayev Т.О.  


The article analyzes the state of railway automation and telemechanic (RAT) systems, determines the throughput for single-track and double-track
spans, and the local speed for semi-automatic and automatic blocking and centralized dispatch. The transition to a microprocessor-based elemental base is proposed when upgrading the technical equipment of RAT systems, which provides a significant reduction in energy consumption, minimizing industrial space for equipment and reducing labor costs for their subsequent maintenance. Modernization of RAT systems will lead to increased in throughput and to decreased level of wear of electrical and dispatch centralization and automatic blocking devices, and will also reduce the number of failures and the average system recovery time. The increased local speed will also lead to an economic effect in the form of increased revenue from freight transportation.
Keywords: railway automation and telemechanic system, electrical centralization, dispatch centralization, self-locking, microprocessor-based centralization, throughput, economic efficiency.

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