Analysis of the dynamics of changes in vegetation of the Alakol basin based on NDVI derived from Landsat TM/ETM

МРНТИ 39.01.81, 36.33.27                                                                                         №2 (2020г.)


Seitkazy M.M., Taukebayeva M.T., Aktymbayeva A.S., Taukebayev   O.Zh.


The article sets forth the results of a study on the dynamics of changes in the vegetation cover of the Alakol basin. In this regard, the article presents
the dynamics of changes in the vegetation cover of the Alakol basin based on a comparison of precipitation data and air temperature from weather stations located in the territory under consideration. According to NDVI data for 2010-2018, the current situation of the vegetation cover have been considered and the results obtained are presented on climatic and maps of the vegetation cover index. According to satellite imagery, the current situation in the region and the results of the analysis are outlined. Statistical analysis of the vegetation index series made it possible to obtain regression equations for NDVI changes over several years. It was established that, compared with 2010, in 2018, areas with dense and very rare vegetation have increased. The main reason for this change is to reduce the area of rare and the area from the average density of vegetation due to the development of these lands/
Keywords: Alakol basin, vegetation cover, climate indicator, NDVI, Landsat 7, remote sensing, sustainable development.


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