Ecological and economic research of tractor K-700A, working on the gas-diesel cycle

МРНТИ 55.57.01, 68.85.81                                                                   №2 (2020г.)


Markov V.A., Bebenin E.V., Вiniyazov A.M., Zakharov V.P.


Fuel costs for agricultural machinery reach 50% of the cost of agricultural products. In this regard, the transfer of agricultural machinery to work
on cheaper alternative fuels – natural gas, methane – will improve the efficiency of agricultural production. The simplest and most acceptable way for agriculture to transfer diesel engines to work on gaseous fuel is the use of a gas-diesel cycle, since it does not require significant modifications of the engine, the regular fuel equipment running on diesel is preserved, plus there is an option to work on both diesel fuel and its mixture with compressed (CNG) or liquefied natural gas. As a result of mathematical modeling, the power indicators of the experimental YAMZ-238 engine when it is transferred from liquid (diesel) to gaseous fuel (natural gas) are reduced by 10%, which shows the analysis of the formula for calculating this power, this effect occurs under the influence of the density of the fuel-air mixture entering the cylinders.
Key words: gas diesel, gas supply system to the engine, the ecology of the engine.

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