Growing young cattle at different feeding levels

МРНТИ 68.39.18                                                                                      №1 (2020г.)

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Kalmagambetov M.B., Gabit G.G.,Sagashev Zh.Zh.


The experimental heifers of the Kazakh white-headed breed have been studied to explore the effectiveness of hay, silage, and combined types of feeding rations. It was established that heifers of hay and combined types of feeding in comparison with ones fed with silage consumed more gross (by 10,1 and 10,0%) and exchange (by 14,3 and 18,2%) energy. Experiments have shown that the level of use of hay and combined types of feeding in comparison with silage favorably influenced the increase in live weight, return of fodder investments with growth of body mass and the development of meatiness in heifers.
Keywords: feeding heifers, white-headed breed of heifers, types of feed, types of feeding heifers



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