Increase of ecological safety by modeling the stability of dams

ІRSTІ 06.71.03                                                                                      №4 (2019г.)

Aldungarova Tulebekova А., Baimakanov   N.

For an environmentally safe construction industry, it is necessary to develop new technologies and apply building materials that will minimize the anthropogenic pressures on natural ecosystems. In order to protect water bodies from harmful chemicals, it is necessary to take special measures and arrange environmentally safe underground protective structures. The construction of hydraulic structures always causes certain deviations from the state of the natural ecological balance. Violations of the current natural situation are inevitable even with the most careful observance requirements of all regulatory documents. The article presents the study of the stability of reinforced and unreinforced soil dams under the influence of horizontal and vertical deformations of the soil foundation. The research results allow us to estimate the possibility of the cracks formation
in the ground embankment models with the definition of their distribution area. The forecasting method will improve the environmental safety of the operated dams.
Keywords: Safety, dams, sustainability, the stability of the dam, construction of underground protection.

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