Development of the scheme for ecological inspection of the space rocket emergency falling places

МРНТИ 87.15.03                                                                              №1 (2019г.)


Agapov О.А. , Bolshakova N.A. , Stepanova Yе.Yu. , Zhubat K.Z. , Atygayev A.B. 


For scientific and methodological providing for ecological assessment of emergency consequences of space rocket (SR) missiles launches in the Kazakhstan territory, the scheme of the emergency sampling of natural environments immediately after SR emergency falling is first created. The scheme is developed on the basis of the practical experience that has been acquired by “Garysh-Ecology” research center specialists during elimination of the consequences of emergency SR falling (2006, 2007 and 2013) in the Kyzylorda and Karaganda regions (the Central Kazakhstan). The scheme is created with GIS-technologies use, accounting of damages of a soil and vegetable cover (the spill of liquid rocket fuel, explosions and inflammations) and focused on an emergency reliable ecological assessment receiving in the short time. The method of the emergency sampling of natural environments is recommended for operation of industrial accidents consequences elimination.
Кeywords: methodological approach, environmental study, space rocket, emergency falling, pollution, soil.






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