Ecological problems of technogenic land pollution in the republic of Кazakhstan

МРНТИ 61.01.94, 68,01,94



Yessimsiitova Z.B., Konysbayeva A.A., Тoktar М.., Akimbayeva A.B., Nuraly A.M.

Abstract. A large territory in Kazakhstan is distinguished by the diversity of soils and the complex structure of the soil cover. Soil contamination with heavy metals, especially in the vicinity of large cities and industrial centers, is one of the environmental problems. Of great scientific and practical interest is the determination of the content of heavy metals in soil, their transformation and entry into food and feed. The accumulation of heavy metals in the soil leads to an increase in their concentration in plants, which affects public health. Therefore, the study and  identification of areas with high levels of heavy metals in the soil are of increasing importance. The article summarizes the results of a study of soil and vegetation cover in areas adjacent to mining enterprises factories for the production of non-ferrous and rare metals.
Key words: heavy metals, soil, erosion soil, pollution soil, maximum permissible concentrations, sown areas, agrochemistry.

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