Investigation of the physico-chemical properties of carbon-silicon sorbent

МРНТИ 31.23.99



Baiseitov D.A., Tulepov M.I., Kudyarova Zh.B., Mutushev A.Zh., Zhumakhan K., Dikhanbayev K.K.

Abstract. One of the methods of controlling the spread of airborne respiratory pathogens in enclosed public spaces is the use of bactericidal filters for ventilation air purification systems in order to effectively remove pathogenic microorganisms from the air environment. Based on the conducted elemental analysis of the initial sorbent, it was found that the composition contains 87% of the carbon atom, and the proportion of silicon is 1,75%. The remaining elements were made up in very small quantities. According to the results of the thermogravimetric study of the
carbon-silicon sorbent, it was found that the carbonization of the sorbent occurs in four stages. The result of electron microscopic examination of a carbon-silicon sorbent sample showed that it has a cellular structure.
Key words: carbon-silicon sorbent, elemental analysis, rice husk, carbonizate, bactericidal filters.

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