Features of extinguishing fires in the oil and gas industry by feeding foam into a layer of flammable liquid



Uzenbekov Sh.B., Shapalov Sh.K., Abdeshev K.B.

Resume. This article describes a method for extinguishing fires of oil and petroleum products in vertical steel tanks by feeding foam to form a low-layer film directly into the fuel layer at the bottom of the tank. The problems of extinguishing fires in tanks with a floating roof or on a pontoon when extinguishing fires in a storey way are briefly described. The main problems: contamination of the foam with oil and petroleum products, the time of lifting the foam to the surface of the tank, the appearance of “pockets” inaccessible for extinguishing, etc. The
results of studies of the main modern systems for ensuring fire safety of oil and gas industry facilities, such as: transportation, processing and storage, are shown. The results of the study of the fire extinguishing process with film-forming foam in tanks, as well as the study of the properties of fluorosynthetic foams, are described. Examples of combined fire safety systems on pontoon tanks are also given.
Keywords: fire, oil and gas industry, tank, fire safety, flammable liquids, foam, water supply system, fire barrel.

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