Thermodynamic analysis of interactions between furnace burden components in the process of obtaining metallurgical silicon


Dantaeva A.Z., Ibraev M.B., Sultamurat G.I.

Abstract. The theoretical foundations of the recovery process and the technology of silicon smelting in electric arc furnaces are considered. The results of a study of thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, and mechanisms of the melting process are presented. Production issues are covered: charge preparation, smelting, refining, gas purification. Physicochemical models of the carbothermal process were developed, proposed and tested under industrial conditions (Tau-Ken-Temir LLP), which made it possible to assess the influence of the specified technological parameters of the smelting (chemical composition and loading coefficients of charge components, temperature) on silicon recovery and grade. To obtain the base material, metallurgical grade silicon is used, obtained by melting in ore-thermal furnaces (RTP). In this regard, the research goal is determined, which consists in studying ways to improve the quality (chemical purity) of silicon, and methods for achieving it at this stage of the study – modeling the carbothermal process for producing silicon.The article describes the main mechanism for the recovery of silica in the furnace, presents one of the designs of the furnace and the technological scheme for the production of silicon. The author suggested studying the process of producing metallurgical silicon in RTP using the HSC Chemistry software package. A model of silicon smelting in RTP was formed, which adequately describes the technological process for producing metallurgical silicon.
Keywords: quartz, charcoal, silicon carbide, silica, ore-thermal furnace, thermodynamics, Gibbs energy.

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