Problems of production waste efficient use in the metallurgical industry


Temirbaeva G.R., Ukibaeva G.K.

Abstract: The active economy development, the increase in production growth rates led to the attraction of raw materials, fuel and energy resources to production. Due to the fact that natural resources are not infinite, their use should be improved through effective processing. But the low level of technology introduction in our economy has plunged into a large number of waste. [1] Considering waste as secondary resources and further obtaining material resources from them, it will be possible to reduce the degree of pollution. In this regard, the purpose of the research was to study and identify the essence of the secondary use of raw materials and energy resources and the effectiveness of their use.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: theoretical foundations of the concept and classification of industrial wastes and secondary resources are considered; secondary resources market and its problems are studied; waste products use on the example of Kazakhmys Smelting is reviewed; main directions of the secondary resources market development and ways of their use are determined.
Keywords: raw materials, waste, secondary resources, processing, environment.

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